Samples of My Work in Schools


In Class Exercises and Homework

Students in this class will take either AP Calculus AB or AP Statistics in their senior year. This 2 week unit is offered during the AP exam weeks when students are often out of class taking their exams. The problems require multiple precalculus skills.

Integral Calculus (High School Level)

In Class Exercises and Homework

Students in this class opt out of Advanced Placement Calculus, but usually plan to enroll in Calculus 1 in their freshman year of college. This is a sample unit on the integral.

Statistics (High School Level)

In Class Exercises and Homework

Students in this class opt out of Advanced Placement Statistics, but usually plan to enroll in a statistics course in their freshman year of college. This is a sample unit on introductory probability.

AP Computer Science A

Students in this class study the computer science principles of encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. Teaching with a test-driven development environment is a successful approach to support object oriented design. This project is an exercise to reinforce the beauty of inheritance and polymorphism.

The project is to create a dance recital manager. This allows a dance performance director to rearrange various types of acts and entertainment and determine performance and program length.